part 4 of & series
Everywhere you look there’s some kind of chaos.
There is chaos all over in the world. There is chaos between nations. There is chaos in many countries. There is chaos here in the United States. There is chaos in our cities and streets. Let’s just face it we don’t have to look very far at all to see or hear about some sort of chaos going on.
This time of year also brings chaos in the stores with everyone running around getting the things on their Christmas shopping lists. The family schedule takes a bit hit with all of the added family gatherings and events. The shock of an unexpected invite to a Christmas gathering. The schedule for the kids changes as they go Christmas break and having them home. It’s just a time of the year that is filled with chaos. But the first Christmas was a lot like that as well if we think about what was really happening.
"...and was expecting a child.” - Luke 2:5 NIV
When you are expecting a baby there is a lot of chaos that is involved with that. You need to get clothes. You need to get a crib. You need to ready the nursery and get all of the stuff for that. It’s a chaotic time.
“So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.” - Luke 2:4-5 NIV
Now I don’t know any woman who is 9 months pregnant that would be excited to travel! And we have cars! So I can’t imagine that Mary was any more excited to do her traveling on a donkey. So this unexpected trip to Bethlehem would have no doubt added more chaos to their situation.
“because there was no guest room available for them.” - Luke 2:7 NIV
Back then, when a census was called they had to travel - they weren’t done as they are today. So I am just certain that Joseph was not the only that needed to travel to Bethlehem for this census. I bet you Bethlehem was packed full of travelers. This would be why there was no guest rooms available for them.
“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,” - Luke 2:6 NIV
Well how is that for timing! The baby was coming now. This was sure to have added to the chaos. Not only was the town of Bethlehem jumping with people because of the census and other travelers and there was no room for them to even sleep - let alone have a baby. I can just imagine that Joseph was frantically looking for some place where they could have the baby and time was running out. They finally found a place.
“and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” - Luke 2:7 NIV
This had to have been an interesting proposal for Joseph to make. Mary about to have a baby and needing and wanting Joseph to find a place to have the baby comes back to with:
“Well, Mary all the hotels and other places are full. There is no place for us. But someone did offer their barn to us....”
I can just bet he was interrupted at barn with:
“Excuse me! A what?!” – Mary shouted.
But they wound up in the barn because of no other choice. This barn had to have been full with all sorts of animals that people had used to travel to Bethlehem for the census. Also, the owner of the barn probably had his animals in there. Let’s just say that Mary and Joseph were not alone in this barn. It must have been chaos! Then it happened!
“and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger,” - Luke 2:7 NIV
There in the chaos and all of the noise, Jesus, the Savior of the world, cried for the first time. Jesus was here - the promised Messiah. At that moment all of the chaos stopped and peace came into their life. The peace that they were holding in their arms. After all that they had been through in the last few hours - all of the chaos - was put aside as they looked into the eyes of the Prince of Peace.
Our lives are full of chaos and the holiday season just adds more to the chaos. I don’t know what life is like for you. I don’t know what you are facing or what challenges you are having to overcome. But I know that you are, just like me, looking for some kind of peace. But peace doesn’t come by trying to take stuff out - peace comes by adding Someone in. Peace is not the absence of something, it’s the presence of Someone. [1] Mary and Joseph didn’t experience peace in their situation by taking something out or changing something. They experience peace when they came face to face with Jesus. The Prince of Peace.
This is a truth that Jesus would later say to His disciples. But the words that Jesus said to those 12 men were not just for them - they are for us as well! We often read the Bible and think that the words on the pages are just for the people being talked to in the moment. But they aren’t! They are meant to transcend time and are for anyone who will read them. Jesus said this to His disciples:
“‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’” - John 16:33 NIV
I underlined the most important words in that verse - “so that in ME you may have peace.” Peace - TRUE PEACE - can only come Jesus. Peace is the presence of Someone - Jesus.
Jesus can give you true peace. He is the only one that can. Jesus did for Mary and Joseph as a baby. Jesus did for His disciples as an adult. Jesus does for us today and forever.
Will you let the Prince of Peace give you true peace today?
[1] Ted Bryant – “The First Noel” part of the Songs of Christmas series at Granger Community Church.