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Alex Pierce

A couple of months ago, my wife and I were able to attend a worship night led by Elevation Church called “Elevation Nights.” It was an amazing time. Basically, it was an extended church service. There was a time of worship and a message from Pastor Steven Furtick. But this post isn’t about what God showed me through his message as I sometimes share here. This is more of what God showed me before the night even started. Oh believe me I’ll share what God showed me through his message that night. But for this post, I wanted to share something else.

My wife and I traveled to Indianapolis for Elevation Nights. A few weeks before, we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary and to celebrate we went to a restaurant called The Melting Pot. After we left The Melting Pot, we had to travel to downtown Indianapolis for the worship night, and because I am not from Indianapolis I needed to use the GPS on my phone. We made it to the arena, parked a few blocks away, and walked to the arena.

We got in line at the arena to go in. We went through the metal detectors and started on our way to find our seats. Once at our seats, we were just talking and waiting for the night to begin.

As we were talking, I got my phone out to look at a few things and see how the kids were doing who were with my mom. It was at this point that I noticed something I had not been paying attention to - my battery life. Now I know what you might be thinking, “Why do you need your phone? You were at a worship night?” Well, you would be correct, you don’t need your phone. My wife did have hers so pictures could be taken and all of that. But I was really disappointed that my phone was at 15% and we were about 30 minutes from start time and probably 2 hours away from the message part of the night.

Here is why…

I wanted to take notes on Pastor Furtick’s message. I always have taken notes and I wanted to this time as well. He always says a lot of great stuff and I like to document it. As the night went on I watched the battery life of my phone drain quickly… 12% 8% 6%. As the first worship part of the night was coming to an end, I looked at my phone and saw 4%. At that moment, I asked God to just let my phone stay at 4% so I can take notes on what you have to say to me.

We all sat down and Furtick, after a little bit of having fun, started his message. I opened the notes app on my phone and noticed my phone was still at 4%. Furtick preached for about 45 minutes and my phone stayed at 4% until the last few minutes of his message. I sat there in amazement that God kept my phone at 4% that entire time. Also, something else that was amazing - my phone never died. I didn’t get my phone to the charger for another 30 minutes or so at least and it didn’t die!

God is really amazing.

In this moment with God, I was reminded of a story in 1 Kings 17. The story is about a widow that God told Elijah to go and stay with and that she was going to feed him. When he gets there, he asks the widow for some bread to eat [1]. This is what she says to him…

“But she said, ‘I swear by the Lord your God that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I will die.’” - 1 Kings 17:12 NLT

Elijah came in at a time when she was getting ready to prepare her last meal. But Elijah tells her to not be afraid and make him some bread first and some bread for her and her son [1]. Elijah then tells her…

“For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There will always be flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!” - 1 Kings 17:14 NLT

So the widow does what Elijah says and trusts that God will do what He says. God came through for the widow and they were able to eat for many more days. God kept His promise and there was always flour and oil in her containers [1].

Now, what do flour and oil have to do with my battery life at a worship night? Well, what God showed me in this story is this… GOD CAN DO A LOT WITH LITTLE. In the story of the widow who helped Elijah God made a little flour and oil go for days so the family could eat. In the case of my battery life, God made it last so I could write down what He wanted to tell me through Pastor Furtick’s message.

God is really amazing.

------ [1] For the full story read 1 Kings 17:9-16

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