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Alex Pierce

part 2 of the Tattoos Series

As I said last week, I wanted to share with you the meaning of the tattoos that I have. I

hope that this will bless you and show you a little bit of God.

My first tattoo has a very special story and place in my heart. This tattoo isn’t very flashy or unique. The first tattoo that I got was on my right forearm and it is simply the Roman numeral - VIII. As you can see in the picture it is very basic. But it has one amazing story.

I was 8 years old. I was sitting in Sunday School/Children’s Church one Sunday morning. The date I cannot remember. But I remember all the moves I made that particular day. This story actually spans two different Sundays. The room number was 202 and it was the first room on the left coming off of the stairs. So as I was sitting there in my chair, the teacher began to talk about how to know Jesus and accept Him as your personal Savior and invite Him into your heart. The teacher went on to say that if you like to make that decision you can go to the hallway with one of the other teachers and they will talk with you more. So I sat for a second and then decided to get up and head for the hallway. When I got to the hallway the teacher that was out there asked why did you come out to the hallway?” Confused by the question, I really didn’t know how to answer. So I said “this where they said to come.” The teacher determined by my answer that I needed to go back in the room and try again at a later time. So I went back in the room.

The next week is was sitting in the same room as I was the week before. The time came and the teacher started the same conversation that he had the previous week. When the time came I got up and headed to the hallway again. I was asked the same question again and this time I said “to invite Jesus in my heart.” After I had answered the question, the teachers led me down the hall to another room - room 204. There were a couple of other leaders in this room and I was asked to come and sit down by the one the farthest away from the door. It was at the table, sitting in that chair, that I came to know Jesus as my personal Savior. It was a very happy moment!

I was baptized later that same year. I remember that event as well. There was a process for this. I had to change into this blue gown and walk up a set of stair leading to the baptismal tank. The water was cold! The pastor in the tank helped me in and to the center. The water came up to my neck. And did I mention it was cold! Once we were to the center of the tank, the pastor asked me a couple of questions and then dunked me under the water. As he was bringing me back up, I slipped and almost fell back into the water! That was a moment! I was led out of the tank and went to change my clothes.

This is why I have this number tattooed on my right forearm. But there is another reason too.

Jesus reached into my heart that Sunday and led me to a better life with Him. Jesus prompts everyone. He prompted me at 8, but could prompt you at 38. He could prompt you tomorrow or next year. Or in 10 years. Maybe Jesus is prompting you right now as you read this. If Jesus prompting you, this is not something to ignore. I encourage you to answer the prompt.

One other reason I love having this number on my arm where I can see it everyday. The number 8 is significant in the Bible. The number 8 in theology means “new beginnings”. When we respond to the prompting of Jesus and we invite Him in - He makes us a “new creation”. [1] We are made new! This is too amazing. It doesn’t matter what we have done. It doesn’t matter what shape we are in. Jesus makes us NEW!

So if Jesus is prompting you today - I encourage you to respond to His prompting - His invitation. Find someone to ask questions and talk to. Do it now don’t wait.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” - 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV


[1] 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

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