part 3 of the “7:14” series
As we continue to look at 2 Chronicles 7:14, we have come to the next word that we are going to be looking at in this post. The word is pray. Prayer is very powerful. It is one of the most powerful things that we can do. I say “we” because contrary to what people might say – prayer is not just for followers of Jesus – prayer is for everyone.
Once again, the way that this verse is structured is that God is calling to His people with the words “if MY people”. So with that wording, God has called His people to pray and therefore means that prayer is for all people. Also, if prayer is not for everyone, then that is putting Almighty God in a box and saying that He only has ears for Christians and nobody else. But if that was the case, then no one could be saved from their sins because to be saved from your sins – YOU HAVE TO PRAY (Romans 10:13). The God I know has ears for His people and listen to any and all prayers and that same God is urging His people to pray.
But, as we have seen in the past posts, God does not leave His followers out. In fact, He calls those “who are called by His name” to pray as well. God is singling out His followers with a reminder to pray and to pray hard for this nation. Once again, we have an example of prayer from Jesus.
In John 17, Jesus prays for us. Jesus prays for His disciples and then He prays for “all who will ever believe in me through their [the disciples] message” [1]. Then Jesus prays for us to be one – for us to be unified – just as He is one with God [1]. This is one thing that we need to be praying for the hardest. We need to be praying for unity and that we can become one as Jesus so earnestly prayed for us to be. But, for us to pray hard for us to be one, we need to be humble enough to realize that we need God’s help and that He is the only one that can help us. God is the only one that can help us and this nation.
Paul wrote these words to Timothy, who was pastoring the church in Ephesus:
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior…” – 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Paul urges the church at Ephesus to pray for all people. Pray for those in your neighborhood. Pray for those in your church. Pray for those who are in authority that they lead well so “we can live peaceful and quiet lives”. Pray for those who are marginalized and oppressed. Pray that people will be open to conversations and put their own opinions aside. Pray for the people who lead this nation at all levels that they lead well. Pray for this nation to get back to God.
God is our only hope. God is the only one.
“For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.
This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.”[2]
[1] John 17:2, NLT
[2] 1 Timothy 2:5-7, NLT