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Alex Pierce

About 18 months ago, I had this revelation. There were some things in my life that had happened and I was frustrated with these things because at the time they didn’t make any sense. But as life events unveiled some new things in my life, I began to see that these things that irritated me were actually a set up. It was almost as if God was giving me a little wink telling me He had a plan all along. But I have also seen these “God winks” elsewhere as well. I want to share these with you in this post.

Several years ago - I am not sure of the exact number - it was time for a new vehicle. So my ex-wife and began looking and talking about different cars and such. She finally decided that we should get a minivan. I didn’t want to get a minivan. I felt that a minivan was too big and we didn’t need something of that size when we could get a car and it might have been cheaper. But she just thought it would be good to get a van and so we decided that would just get the van. I was annoyed about the whole, but it was a setup. I didn’t see the wink until later.

After my divorce, I had a new set of requirements for anyone that I might date in the future. There were some different standards. I thought maybe I was out of my mind for having such standards and that it was quite possible no such a person existed. There was a woman that worked with very briefly and it was almost as if God winked at me. It was almost as if God was showing me that there are women that exist with the new standards I had in place. It was clear that this one wasn’t the one to pursue as I wasn’t ready to date anyone and she was like tumbleweed blowing in the wind and was getting ready to move... again. Then a few months later God revealed to me that it was time to move forward and that I was in need of someone to help me in life and that it was a good thing for my kids as well. I didn’t know that once again this wink was a set up as well.

The most recent God wink that came to light involves the current life of my home church. As I write this post our Lead Pastor is in a fight with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. We are all praying hard for him and his family. God winked at me about a month ago when we started our new message series called “Stranger Things: A Journey Into the Supernatural”. (Of course this was based on the popular Netflix series of the same name.) But during the series we explored miracles and angels and demons and how God is working behind the scenes all the time. I was teaching this particular weekend in the 4th and 5th grade room and was turning on the next worship song and then it hit me. Our church plans the series that we are going to do at least 6 months in advance. They would have had absolutely no idea what would be going on in the life of the church when they planned the series “Stranger Things” those many months back. It had to be God!! There is no other answer!! This God wink was a good reminder of who exactly is in control because we often forget and that God has us in every circumstance.

Now back to the other two winks I mentioned above. I didn’t find out that the van was actually needed until I met the girl that God had for me. When I realized that she also has 2 kids of her own (and then there was my 2 kids) I immediately realized what the van was for and that God had set me up with what I needed. Because of course He knew!! He gave me what I needed in a woman as well. It all just fell into place. I was in awe!

God does this stuff all of the time.

Do you notice when He winks at you?

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