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Alex Pierce

This is a new idea that I am giving a try. All of the posts in the Wayback Wednesday series are past blog posts that I have written and will be posted in their original form. I hope that you will find encouragement in these little nuggets from the past.


originally posted on 9/25/2016

Last year I chose a verse of the Bible and kept it in mind until God told me to move on from the verse. In August of last year, I was preparing a lesson to teach the 4th and 5th grade students at church. The series of lessons at the time was looking at passages in the book of Proverbs. In preparing that lesson, I thought that it would be a good idea to give the students a list of a few Proverbs passages to read on their own time. So that thought prompted me to have another thought: “What if they ask me why it is important to read the book of Proverbs?”

So I decided to investigate.

I read Proverbs 1:1-7 and found my answer. (The header for the chapter in the NIV version of the Bible is Purpose and Theme I might add.) I didn’t have to try and think of a clever answer… God already did!

1 “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:

2 for gaining wisdom and instruction;

for understanding words of insight;

3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior,

doing what is right and just and fair;

4 for giving prudence to those who are simple,

knowledge and discretion to the young—

5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,

and let the discerning get guidance—

6 for understanding proverbs and parables,

the sayings and riddles of the wise.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

I read that and felt that I was to tell the students that.

But the verse that I picked and carried it throughout the fall with them was Proverbs 4:23:

“Above all else, guard your heart,

for everything you do flows from it.”

But I emphasized three words: GUARD YOUR HEART. Throughout the following months at God’s direction, I kept telling them why that was important to do.

So I wanted to do the same thing this year. But I was having trouble figuring out what verse or idea God wanted to impress on them. Then I spent three hours at an event called Launch (more from that in later posts) and it hit me. John 16:33b.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus was talking to His disciples, yes, but His words can be felt right now in the moment you are reading this. These 15 words Jesus said to His disciples that night are just as true now as they were then.

We don’t have to look very far in this world to realize that it is “jacked up”. We don’t have to look very far to find unrest. We don’t have to look very far to find heartache. We don’t have to look very far to see fear. We don’t have to look very far to find trouble in this world.

But Jesus said the words above and right before these words He told His disciples how He wanted them to have peace (John 16:33a). Jesus wants the same for us.

I want to leave you with the same part of the verse but from The Message version. I know there is some controversy regarding The Message version, but sometimes it is spot on. So let me leave you with this.

“In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (bold added)

Jesus has CONQUERED the world!

Edited by Kay Beam

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