part 5 of Tattoos series
This is the final part of the “Tattoos” series and I really hope that these posts have blessed your life in some way. I hope that you have been looking more for the blessings from God in your life as well as being expectant for more blessings from God. I also hope that you have given some things over to God to let Him handle so that you can “be still”.
As for this week, I wanted to share with you my most recent tattoo. This tattoo is on my right arm close to my elbow and above my VIII tattoo. (We talked about that one in the first post of this series.) The tattoo is G> and is a copper color. The meaning is “God is greater”. This comes from a verse in the book of Psalms:
“God is higher [greater] than anything or anyone” - Psalm 113:4 MSG [2]
This is a good reminder for all of us to have. God is greater than ______________.
God is greater than presidents or kings or queens. God is greater than prime ministers. God is greater than your boss. God is greater than anyone.
God is greater than your job loss. God is greater than divorce. God is greater than your sickness. God is greater than your addictions. God is greater than your sin. God is greater than the storms of life. God is greater than anything.
Jesus - who was God in flesh - proved this to His disciples when they were out on a boat in the middle of the lake. A storm came up out of nowhere and threatened to capsize the boat. The disciples in a panic ran to Jesus, who was asleep, and screamed in fear that they were going to die. Jesus gets up and tells the storm to “be still” and all was calm. Then the disciples terrified at what just happened said “even the wind and waves obey him.” Jesus was showing them that HE IS GREATER! [1]
God has everything in His control. There is nothing that He doesn’t know. God is greater than ____________. There is another passage in the book of Psalms that I am reminded of and is this:
“Attention, all! See the marvels of GOD! He plants flowers and trees all over the earth. Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above [greater than] politics, above [greater than] everything.” - Psalm 46:8 & 10 MSG [2]
God has done great things - just look around at it all. God has done these things to show us the He is indeed greater. He wants us to step out of the busyness of life and look at the great things He has done. The great things He has given.
God is greater than anything or anyone. God is greater than __________ .
[1] References Mark 4:34-41
[2] greater or greater than added for meaning.