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Grinched - part 1 - Me, Me, Me

Alex Pierce

One of my favorite holiday characters is the Grinch. Don’t ask me why, I don’t quite know the reason. But, I have always enjoyed watching the older animated version of the Dr. Seuss tale that comes on TV every year. Then in

2000, they made I live-action version of the story that brought a different life to the story. The 2000 version also shined some light on The Who’s in Whoville. But whether it’s the Grinch or The Whos there is some things that can be learned from this little story.

One of the first things we pick up on about the Grinch is that he hates Christmas and “no one quite knows the reason.” The Grinch then decides to steal Christmas and he hatches this plan out of his own pride and self-centeredness. He didn’t really care about The Whos or his dog or anything from that matter. He just didn’t want Christmas to come and it was going to be his way or the highway.[1]

In the 2000 movie, they really show the Grinch’s pride as he refuses many times to go do to town for the celebration that they are having. The reason noted in the movie is that the Grinch had been bullied when he was younger and that is why he’s up on Mount Crumpit. But his pride is what kept him there and not just his the Who’s pride as well.[2]

Pride is a big thing and it can lead us down paths that don’t provide any long term help. There are many people over the holiday season that allow their pride get in the way of seeking forgiveness from a friend or family member.

Pride is also the influence that drives our choices and if we let pride drive too long the choices that we make may not be the best of for us.

In the Bible, we see pride driven choices that did not end well for the people making them. We see a prideful choice get Lucifer cast from Heaven (Isaiah 14:12-17). We see Adam and Eve eat from the fruit of the tree because of their pride to know more and thinking that God was keeping something from them (Genesis 3). Cain killed Abel because God did not except his offering (Genesis 4). King Herod in the book of Matthew hears about the birth of Jesus and decides he wants to go “worship” the baby Jesus. But when Mary and Joseph flee with Jesus, Herod out of pride for wanting to be the only King ordered that all of the baby boys 2 years old and younger be killed (starting at Matthew 2:16).

Pride does not lead us to good places. Pride is selfish. Pride causes our focus to be away from where it should be. Pride drive us all and if we let drive us too long and too far it will not lead to a good end.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18


[1] Dr. Seuss, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, 1957

[2] How The Grinch Stole Christmas, 2000 film

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