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I've Got It

Alex Pierce

part 1 of "The Storm" series

In the New Testament, we see the disciples experience two different kind of storms. But I think looking at these two storms, we see two different ways to approach the storms that we face. We are going to look at one this week, one next week and then I am going to share a storm story from my life.

In Mark 4, we see the first storm. Jesus had been teaching and decides to go across the Sea of Galilee to the other side so He could teach there. So they set off across the sea and Jesus lays down to rest. When all of a sudden....

"A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” - Mark 4:37-38 NIV

This tells us that the storms of life pop suddenly. One moment it's all blue skies and sunshine and then next moment it’s gray, dark and raining. The diagnosis that came out of nowhere. The sudden end to your marriage. The sudden loss of a job.The sudden loss of a family member. The storm is here and it comes in hard. In these stormy moments, we cry out to God the same way the disciples did - "Hey! Don't you care?!"

But Jesus wasn't shocked by the sudden storm. It didn't catch Him off guard and Jesus is not caught off guard by our storms either. Jesus does not turn away for a second and then turn back and wonder what happened. Some storms are smaller. Some storms are larger. But Jesus scared of the size of the storms that come up in our life either. Jesus wasn't scared of this storm the disciples were facing at that time. Jesus simply…

“... got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm." - Mark 4:39 NIV

Jesus then turns to His little group and says:

“Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” - Mark 4:40 NIV

Every storm that we face is a test of faith. Are we going to trust God in midst of the storm and have faith that He is in control? This is the lesson Jesus wants us to learn here. Jesus wasn't mad at them for being upset or scared. The storm they were facing was scary and so are the ones that we face. He just wanted them to have faith and trust that He is in control. He wants the same for us as well. Jesus wants us to know the same thing He wanted His disciples to know and that is… “You guys, I’ve got it.”

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