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Look At The Stars

Alex Pierce

part 3 of the Tattoos Series

My second tattoo is on my left forearm and it is 2 big stars surrounded by little stars. The 2 big stars are for my kids and they are purple and blue and have my kid’s names in them. This tattoo comes from a verse in the book Genesis. Once again, this one of those circumstances where I had read and taught this story many different times. But I was reading the story and the verse just came out at me. Let me share the verse with you:

“He took him outside and said, ‘Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’”- Genesis 15:5 NIV

Now that may just seem like a random verse and you are probably wondering “well, that’s kind of a weird verse to get stuck on.” Don’t worry I was thinking the same thing too! But I just couldn’t get it out of my head. I thought about it and thought about it. I asked God “why are you showing me this verse?” Then one day God just revealed why He was showing me the verse.

In order to get what is happening here we need to look at what is going on in the life of Abraham. In Genesis 12, God made a promise to Abraham and this was the promise:

“‘I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’” - Genesis 12:2-3 NIV

So fast forward back to Genesis 15 and Abraham is upset because he doesn’t understand the promise that God made to him. He didn’t understand it because he and his wife could not have kids and so how could he become a “great nation”. So this conversation between God and Abraham was God reminding Abraham of what He had said and what a visual God gave. God was going to bless Abraham so much he would not even be able to count the blessings. God did not just say these words to Abraham - He says those words to us as well. This is what God revealed to me and that is why God had me dwelling on the verse that I started this post with. God has blessings for all of us that are too numerous to count.

So what does all of this have to do with the tattoo on my arm? Genesis 15:5 talks about how God was going to bless Abraham with many offspring. The 2 big stars in the tattoo represent the children that God has blessed me with. Children are blessings from God. The little stars represent blessings that are yet to come and are there to remind me of that very thing. Just like Abraham, I also am reminded of God’s blessings when I look at the stars in the night sky.

God has blessings for all of us and they outnumber the stars in the sky. So when you look up at the night sky and see all the stars - do these 2 things: 1) remember the blessings from God in your life already and thank Him for them and 2) be on the lookout for the blessings yet to come.

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