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Mighty God

Alex Pierce

part 2 of & series

Every time that I do one of these blog posts, I hope to always find something new and fun. This post was no exception. I found something out in writing this post that really never made sense before. But now after looking at in the eyes of a simple word changed everything from clear as mud to clear as crystal. I would like to share that with you now. This name that we see for Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 has always puzzled me - “Mighty God”. This has puzzled me.

Jesus is called the God so how is He Mighty God - shouldn’t that be a name for God and not Jesus. I know, yes, Jesus is God and God is Jesus. But in this passage, Isaiah is setting up the human side of Jesus and is therefore separating them. So when Isaiah refers to Jesus as “Mighty God” it can cause people some confusion. Jesus is always said to be the Son of God. So how can He be “Mighty God”?

As I was doing some reading in preparation for writing this post, I came across that Mighty God means “champion” or even “powerful champion”. Well now that puts a whole new light on this name. Isaiah was essentially referring to Jesus as a powerful champion. A great and mighty conqueror.

Jesus is just that - a powerful champion.

Jesus always prevails. Jesus has great power and authority. Jesus defeated all His enemies in one moment on the cross. On that very same cross He defeated sin, death, hell and the grave. Jesus has a name that is feared by evil because they know of His mighty power. Jesus has no equal. Jesus is a champion.

And we can forget that.

We forget that Jesus is on our side. We forget that Jesus is doing battle with us. We forget that we have an undefeated Champion on our team. We forget that with Jesus on our side we cannot lose.

So as we go through life and the different ups and downs - we can be encouraged by these words from Isaiah and we can be encouraged by the fact that Jesus is a powerful champion.

What has your Champion defeated for you in your life?

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