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Not The Boss

Alex Pierce

There is an interesting thing about life - we all have fears. We all have something that we are afraid of. Spiders. Snakes. Roller coasters. Water. Will the kids turn out ok? Will this marriage or relationship last? Fears we all have them and they change as we get older.

I want to tell you a few things that I am afraid of. There are obvious ones listed above. But there are a few here that I want to mention in detail.

First, I am afraid of unsecured heights - not heights - unsecured heights. I don’t mind heights if I am secure. I am not afraid of roller coasters or plane rides, but am a little uneasy with ladders. Ladder are not secure. I mean yeah ladders nowadays are designed different with more safety measures. But they can still slip or move and that’s where my fear comes in. I once watched a ladder holding my grandfather get swiped out from under him by a big tree branch he had just cut off a tree and he fell many feet to the ground.

Second, it don’t like the dentist. I know that’s weird, but i do not like the dentist. I will go to the doctor and have surgery and all that - but the thought of going to the dentist just doesn’t work for me. I would just rather have fake teeth and never have to go again.

Lastly, I have a fear for my kids. I want them to turn out great and make the best choices in life. The fear then is that they won’t. I also want them to be safe and free from harm. The fear is that they get hurt and break something and such.

But with any fear there comes a time when they come true or when we have to come face to face with them. When that happens a lot of the time we really don’t know what to do and sometimes we choose to run from them instead of conquering them. Fear can keep us crippled and lost. Here are some lyrics to a song that speak to this very thing:

“Fear, he is a liar

He will take your breath

Stop you in your steps

Fear he is a liar

He will rob your rest

Steal your happiness

Cast your fear in the fire

'Cause fear he is a liar”[1]

The thing with fear is - no one can really help us overcome them. I can’t help you and you can’t help me. We can say things to encourage people, but ultimately we have to overcome them and it is possible to overcome them. There is someone that can help us rise in the face of our fears. What if we can.....





Jesus has the power to kill our fears. The Bible says.....

“perfect love drives out fear.” - 1 John 4:18 NIV

Perfection is the only thing that can drive away fear! I’m not perfect and you are not perfect and therefore we can’t take fear away from others or ourselves. We need to “cast our fears in the fire”[1] and to the One who has handled them and can handle them. Because...

Fear is not the boss - Jesus is and fear has to stand down in the presence of Jesus!

[1] “Fear Is A Liar” by Zach Williams Songwriters: Jason Ingram / Zach Williams / Jonathan Lindley Smith

Fear Is a Liar lyrics © Essential Music Publishing

[2] Raj - Granger Community Church

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