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The Power

Alex Pierce

We often talk about our weaknesses when it comes to something that we need to do or that God calls us to do. I am reminded of a part in Moses’ story where this is evident in his life.

Moses had just fled Egypt after he murdered an Egyptian who was abusing a Hebrew slave. He had a good reason though because Pharaoh was trying to kill him for killing the Egyptian. So he found himself in Midian where he became a shepherd for his father-in-law. This is where God came looking for him. (Exodus 2:11-3:1).

God spoke to him from a burning bush - that had to be a sight to see - and told him that he needed to go back to Egypt and save the Hebrew people. But Moses came up with every excuse he could come up with not to go. God even gave him sign after sign that he was going to be ok (Exodus 4). Moses finally goes and leads the people to freedom.

I tell you part of that story because maybe you can relate to Moses there. But Moses forgot where his strength came from. I thought about this part of Moses’ journey after hearing these lines in a song:

“My weakness is hidden within Your glory

Jesus, my strength is in You

The odds are against me, but You are for me

Jesus, my strength is in You” [1]

The lines from the song fit into Moses’ story. Moses was trying to make God (although God already knew) see his weakness and God was trying to get Moses to see strength in his weakness (Exodus 4:10-12). Moses was trying to tell God that the odds were against him and God was telling Moses that He was for him (Exodus 3:11-12 + 4:1-9). God had already told Moses that He was going to be with him as well (Exodus 3:12).

We often sometimes take ourselves out of the game before we even get started because we think that we have to go at it alone. But God has said that He is going to be with us and that He will never leave us (Deuteronomy 31:6). We aren’t doing anything alone. We have God’s help. God will be whatever we can’t be. God told Moses “I AM WHO I AM”. God was telling Moses that He is what we aren’t. I AM_______. God is whatever we need. If we need strength, God is our strength. If we need love, God is love. If we need deliverance, God is that deliverance. What we need, God has!

Another line to that same song is:

“My steps have been ordered,

You go before me

God, I'm depending on You

The hope of my future,

found in You only

God, I'm depending on You” [1]

God also knew the outcome of this calling on Moses. God had already been there. God knew everything that Moses was going to say and do from the time he was born until the time he died. God knew that Moses what going to be the savior of the Israelite people and lead them to freedom. God knew it all. God knew that Moses was going to murder the Egyptian and flee Egypt. God knew where to find Moses. God knew that Moses was going to say before he said. God knew that Moses was stronger than he thought. God knew what Moses could do. After all, doesn’t every Creator know what his creations can do!

God knows the same about us as well. We are His creations and He knows all about us (Psalm 139). He knows what we can and can’t do. He knows everything we are going to do from birth to death. He knew when we were going to start life and when our time will be up.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” - Psalm 139:16 NIV

God knows. Only God knows what will become of a season for your life. Only God knows the outcome of a circumstance. Only God knows who you truly are. Only God knows what you are truly capable of.

What a mighty God,

what a mighty God You are

What a mighty God,

what a mighty God You are[2]

Hallelujah that God knows us and goes before us!!


[1] Elevation Worship “Power” written by Steven Furtick & Chris Brown (Elevation) & Amy Corbett

[2] Elevation Worship “Mighty God (Another Hallelujah) written by Steven Furtick & Chris Brown (Elevation)

Elevation Worship lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. "Mighty God (Another Hallelujah)” and “Power” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.

This post references the lyrics of a song. The meaning of the lyrics and the song in this post is my own interpretation

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