part 1 of “Around The Campfire” series
Oh, a campfire. I always love a good fire. As the seasons change from summer to winter and it starts getting cooler out making a fire nice to gather around. The conversation and the roasting of marshmallows and hot dogs just make a fire all the better.
When I think about campfire conversations, I am taken back to my time in youth group and when we went on retreats and to camp. There was always a night when we would sit around the campfire and share stories of how God is working in our lives. These stories could come from our experience at camp so far or from how we have seen God work in other areas and times in our life. Some people just shared some encouraging words for those around the fire who might need it. This was a designed moment in the camp week for those very things. So as we spend some time “around the campfire”, I want to offer some encouragement to you.
So the election was Tuesday. Now I know what you are saying, “I thought you were going to be encouraging!” Oh, don’t worry, I am. As of the time I am writing this, I don’t know the outcome of the election. It is also quite possible as you are reading this - we still don’t know the outcome of the election. But enough about that.
A few months ago, I was looking back at some older services on my church’s website. I came across one from September 29, 2019. The Founding Pastor of the church was speaking that weekend and it was about 2 weeks after he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. But he took the stage and he said the following: “This is the day the Lord has made and Jesus is Lord.” He said those words more than once as if he wanted to make his audience heard that message. 14 months later those words are still very encouraging and are still true today. They are still relevant in the period of time we are facing. Let’s look at those 2 phrases a little bit more.
Those words are not ones that he just made up in hopes that they would be encouraging. He was quoting Psalm 118:24. There is also more to that verse.
“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalms 118:24 NLT
Every day is a day that the Lord has made! The Lord gives us a new day to do with it what we want. We have a choice. We can do what the verse says and rejoice and be glad or we can choose some other way to spend the day. There is a lot to be joyful about each day. But if we let the not so joyful things sneak in, we can become focused on them and they can steal away the joy of the day.
As my pastor stood on that stage, knowing his diagnosis, with joy and gladness because he was standing there. He was given another day that the Lord had made and he was choosing to be joyful and glad to be experiencing another day.
Now, these words are relevant. Jesus is Lord! It doesn’t matter if we just had an election. The election wasn’t for the throne that Jesus sits on! Jesus still owns that throne and He isn’t giving it up - ever!
“Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.’” - Matthew 28:18 NLT
Jesus is still in charge of this all!! He will never be dethroned! He is the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8). He was in charge before presidents and will be after presidents. He is in charge today, just like He was yesterday and last week and last month and last year. Jesus has been given all authority.
Jesus reigns - period!