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uncomplicated love

Alex Pierce

If there was any model of that uncomplicated love - it would be Jesus. Now if you are reading that sentence you are probably thinking “duh, Jesus was perfect and modeled the way to do a lot of things.” You are correct. He did model ways to do things and how to live life to the full, after all, that’s what He wanted for us (John 10:10). But if all the things that Jesus modeled, love was what He was all about. The way He showed love to all people who came into contact with Him and it did not matter at all who they were or what they had done.

Jesus was about the people that needed Him most. He knew that they needed love. Jesus even was around those people the most. The disciples that Jesus chose to be with Him were not perfect or the best in any way. But Jesus called them to follow Him and eventually turned His ministry over to them with Peter as the leader. I want to look at a few verses in Luke 15 as we discuss this further.

“Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach.”

Luke 15:1 NLT

This verse tells us that Jesus was open to teaching and loving anyone. Jesus didn’t make a list of who could come and hear Him teach. Jesus didn’t screen people at the gate to see if they were good enough to be around Him or to hear Him teach. He wanted to teach all who would listen. Jesus was making His love for people uncomplicated. However, this made people mad:

“This made the Pharisees and teachers of religious law complain that he was associating with such sinful people—even eating with them!” - Luke 15:2 NLT

The Pharisees were making things complicated. They were upset that Jesus was around such horrible people. This wasn’t the only time they did this either. They were always questioning why Jesus was hanging around such people. One of these times was when Jesus called Matthew, a known tax collector*, to follow Him and they wonder why Jesus would hang around such “scum” (Matthew 9:9-13, NLT). But it was this position on love that Jesus was trying to turn upside down.

This is the very thing that we remember on this day - Good Friday - we remember the uncomplicated love of Jesus.

Jesus, as He hung on the cross, said seven different statements, but only one showed His uncomplicated love. As Jesus looked out from the cross, over the crowds of people, He saw people that were happy, sad, confused, mad, or even not sure what was going on. There were people hurling insults and mocking him. There were people that did not have words to say. There were people crying as they witnessed what was happening to Jesus. Even though Jesus was hearing and seeing all of this, He said the following words from the cross:

“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them...’” - Luke 23:34 NLT

In that moment, Jesus showed uncomplicated love. Jesus didn’t list people He wanted to forgive. Jesus didn’t specify. Jesus didn’t complicate what He was doing. He looked out over that crowd and for generations to come, He said “forgive them.” Jesus told God to forgive those present at His crucifixion and to forgive us. We are a part of them as well.

God sent Jesus to Earth because of His love for us. Jesus went to the cross because of His love for us. Jesus came to show great love and to save us (Philippians 2:8 + Matthew 1:21). This is what Good Friday shows us - uncomplicated love.

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