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Understanding (WOTY)

Alex Pierce

Well, we made it to the end of another year. I don’t know what this year brought you - good or bad or otherwise - but you made it to the end. I know for me, this year has brought some trials and really good things as well. I was reminded of God’s provision for me and my life. I was reminded that God has good plans for me. I was reminded that God provides for me just what I need when I need it. I was reminded that God also plans my future and provided for me even when I didn’t even realize it [1]. I am excited for what God has for me and my family in the coming year. I know that He has good things for us.

Over the last five years, I have chosen a word to focus on for the year. I have found that this has helped in a lot of ways focus my life through the lens of the word God had given me. Just a quick look at the previous words I have chosen [2]…

2017 - Change

2018 - New

2019 - Breakthrough

2020 - Love

2021 - uncomplicated

I usually attach a verse to the words I have chosen as well. This gives them a little more meaning. So when I was thinking of the word I want to focus on for 2022, I will admit was having a little trouble. I wanted to choose the word “Jireh”. But I felt like I had already been focusing on the word throughout this year along with “uncomplicated”. I felt that maybe those two words fit together and that I needed to choose a different word. Also, around the time I thought “Jireh” might be the word, God also showed me another word “understanding”. It was between those two words “Jireh” and “understanding”.

I thought and prayed over the two words, but when it came down to it I was feeling more of a lean toward “understanding” because of the reasons mentioned above for “Jireh”. But then I came across these verses that ultimately helped me make my choice:

““This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God: ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’” - Jeremiah 33:2-3 MSG

I chose the word UNDERSTANDING for 2022. In verse 3, Jeremiah says that God says to call to Him (me) and that He will show us wonderful things we can’t figure out on our own. When I read these verses I just knew that God was talking to me and telling me that He has great things still to show me.

God also was telling me to talk to Him. If I am honest, I don’t always talk to Him. But God wants us to talk to Him. He’s got answers for us. He will help us. There is one thing I know about the Bible and that is - the Bible is truth and God-breathed. So when the Bible tells us that God will answer us when we call to Him, He will answer us when we call to Him.

I also know it’s not a coincidence that the first series we are doing in 2022 is a prayer series called “Talking To Jesus”. I am excited to dive into that series. I will say that I learn a lot from the series as well. I don’t have it all together and sometimes God wants me to teach about stuff He knows I am struggling to help me as well as anyone who might read these words.

I’m going into 2022 with God. I am praying that throughout this next year I can gain an understanding of things I don’t know. I am going to pray that God helps me understand and see people the way He does.

I have a lot to learn in 2022. I have a lot to understand. But I know that God is here with me and God will help me understand the things I don’t know. I just need to call to Him for help.

Maybe the same is true for you as you read this. Maybe there are some things that you have been trying to understand all on your own and you just aren’t getting anywhere. Maybe it’s time for you to call out to God and let Him help you. Maybe this is your year to call to God, let Him answer you, and give you answers to what you don’t understand.

The “Talking To Jesus” series starts on January 6th. It’s going to be a great way to start the year. I hope you will join me.


[1] See - “The Ram in the Bushes”

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[2] to read more on my previous words of the year check out these links.

4-in-1 (WOTY 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) ——>

uncomplicated (WOTY 2021) ———>

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