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Wonderful Counselor

Alex Pierce

part 1 of & series

There are many many names for Jesus in the Bible. Some of them are “author and perfecter of our faith” “Alpha and Omega” “Chief Cornerstone” “Bread of Life” “The Good Shepherd” and “Immanuel”. Just to list a few. Some of these names were from prophets, other people or names He called Himself.

In this series of posts, I want to look at the 4 names that Isaiah listed for Jesus. These 4 names are found in Isaiah 9:6 and they are “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.” As I have been processing these names over the last few weeks I have come to adore them more and more. I hope you will too. We will start with Wonderful Counselor.

This name for Jesus is packed with a lot of good stuff. I mean I really speaks for itself. But let’s start with “Wonderful”. Isaiah really got this one right. Jesus was and still is absolutely wonderful. He was wonderful in how He acted. He was wonderful in how He treated people. He was wonderful in what He did. Jesus was all around absolutely wonderful. There were many people while Jesus was on this Earth that would describe their experiences with Jesus as absolutely wonderful. I know from my own life and the ways that I have experienced Jesus that He is absolutely wonderful. What Jesus did for me and you signifies this claim! I just mentioned in a previous post that He didn’t have to do anything that He did for us [1]. But He did because He’s wonderful.

But Jesus is also a counselor - and a wonderful one at that! Jesus was always giving advice to people - mainly His disciples - on how to live and what to do with situations and circumstances. But He doesn’t stop there. Jesus is still a counselor for us! We can seek His counseling advice in the Bible from when He helped others. The advice Jesus gave is timeless! Isn’t it wonderful!! There are a few reasons why Jesus is the best counselor out there.

The first is - He already knows you. He already knows what you need even before you ask or say. He does not need to ask a whole bunch of questions just to get to a solution for the problem you are having. He already knows and has already come up with a solution!

The second is - He has already helped. Since He knows you and knows what you need already He is a guaranteed help to you. He doesn’t sit back and wonder if He is going to be able to help you. He already knows that He has!

The third is - He is always available. Jesus is always there and ready to counsel. No appointment needed! Jesus is always a prayer away. Jesus words are always readily available in the Bible.

The fourth is (and what I think is the best one) - He is free! There is no fee to come to Jesus for a conversation. There is no fee to seek the advice of Jesus by prayer. There is no fee to seek the advice of Jesus from the Bible. The advice that Jesus gives is absolutely free. All we have to do is seek it.

At times we all need advice. We all need a little bit or a lot of help. There are things that happen that we just don’t understand. When these situations come up we all seek some kind of counsel. We seek counsel from family. We seek counsel from a friend. We seek counsel from a spouse. We seek counsel from an actual counselor. These things help us process and work through some things. But we have to start at the beginning. Maybe one time we should try to seek counsel from Jesus.

Because Jesus is a wonderful person. Because Jesus is a wonderful counselor.

[1] "because God"

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